Our End Point Assessment for the Improvement Standards consist of three distinct assessment methods:
Multiple Choice Examination | Project Report, Presentation & Discussion | Professional Discussion, underpinned by log |
10% | 60% | 30% |
Each of the three assessments must be completed in order to achieve the apprenticeship. UCE assessors will work with you and your organisation to ensure these assessments are completed within 2 months of the End Point Assessment Gateway and provide guidance on what is expected.
By the end of the first month after meeting the gateway requirements you must submit your log and project portfolio to the Assessor at UCE. The project report, presentation and the professional discussion will take place on the same day. The multiple choice questions can be answered at any point during the EPA period.
Clear marking criteria is provided by the UCE End Point Assessor for each of the Qualifications and can be found in the following link.
Where will the End Point Assessment take place?
Where ever possible, UCE will identify with your employer, a suitable room at your place of work where the full End Point Assessment can take place. Alternatively, if a room can’t be made available, UCE will make arrangements locally to you or at our offices in Derby or Alfreton. UCE will operate the EPA service anywhere in the country so please don’t worry about your location.
UCE have the facilities available for you to carry out EPA remotely if required providing the Multiple Choice Examination is done on-line and can be invigilated using screen share and 360 degree camera function. Our preference will always be to visit you at your place of work.
Full identity checks will need to be carried out by the student to the EPA with a passport or driving licence photograph as proof of identity.
What if I have any special needs?
You are in safe hands, UCE End Point Assessors are trained and experienced in dealing with special need situations and reasonable adjustment will be clearly made. We will check with you at the gateway hand-over if you have any special needs prior to any EPA taking place.
What is the Multiple Choice Examination?
This is 40 knowledge based questions which can be carried out on-line or paper based if requested. It has a 40 minute time limit and is an open book exam, which reflects real working environments, but no access to computer search engines will be allowed. UCE have a bank of questions that will be made up of a wide range of subjects that fall within the standard. It is essential that your trainer provides you with the recommended learning materials for the qualification. UCE assessors will ensure strict examination invigilation processes are in place throughout the multiple choice examination.
The marking and scoring will be completed by UCE’s EPA and provided during the final assessment
How many can sit the examination at the same time?
Providing appropriate facilities and spacing is provided no more than 12 students at one time can be invigilated. If the multiple choice exam is being completed remotely this is restricted to 4 students per invigilator.
What is the Project Report, Presentation & Discussion that make up 60% of the assessment?
The Project Report forms the subject of the Presentation and it is submitted to our EPA within the first month of reaching the EPA gateway. It is necessary for us that this report is authorised by the student’s line manager to show authenticity. This report is read by our EPA and forms the basis of the probing questions which are asked after the delivery of the presentation. The report must detail the improvement projects carried out by the student clearly showing the benefits achieved for the business and the recognised problem solving methodologies used.
Typical problem solving methodologies could include DMAIC, 8D or PPS but essentially the report should be a concise visual summary following principles of A3 thinking usually covering one to three sides of A3. Supporting documents must be included in an annex.
It is important that you notify us on what the preferred method of presenting will be so that we can provide any IT equipment. It will be down to you to bring all the materials to the presentation including your portfolio of evidence.
The purpose of the presentation is so that we can holistically assess your knowledge, skills and behaviours. This will be achieved by skilful open questioning that will be designed to close any gaps found in the presentation and report.
How long should the presentation take?
The presentation is 30-40 minutes and the questioning will be 25-35minutes with a maximum time limit of 75 minutes.
Who will attend?
Along with the UCE assessor you must include an employer representative, usually a line manager, who will confirm the validity of the project. From time-to-time it is possible that external quality assurance staff will attend. This is nothing to worry about, they are there to assess us and our ability to assess you.
What is the Professional Discussion that makes up 30% of the mark?
This is the final part of the EPA we provide and will be based on your training log book which you must bring to the End Point Assessment. We also need to see a copy of your log book within one month of you completing your EPA gateway. This will form the basis for the 13 to 15 open questions that will be asked to holistically assess your knowledge, skills and behaviour.
Typical assessment questions will include:-
- Explain in detail….
- Give an example….
- Show us how you calculate….
- Demonstrate….
- Describe how….
- Where do you find……
- What was the objective/purpose……
- How did you………..
The time required for this part of the assessment is between 50 and 60 minutes and again should include one employer representative.
When will I know whether I have been successful?
You will be notified by UCE’s End Point Assessor of the outcome in writing within 4 weeks of completion including details of areas for development where the standard hasn’t been fully met. The same Assessor will be responsible for solely making the final decision subject to moderation.
What happens if I fail?
Any student that fails the EPA will be given the opportunity by UCE to re-sit or re-take. This is only applicable between fail and pass grades.
Resits must be taken within 1 month of notification of the result.
If more than one of the EPA methods are failed the entire EPA must be retaken after a period of further learning. The student’s employer must agree that a re-sit or re-take is an appropriate course of action.
How is the qualification graded?
Each of the Assessment Methods are individually graded against fail, pass, merit and distinction. A fail in any of the assessment methods will result in a fail of the EPA
The minimum score attainable with a pass is 100 and the maximum score attainable with distinction is 300
Multiple Choice Examination | Project Report, Presentation & Discussion | Professional Discussion, underpinned by log | |
Weighting | 10% | 60% | 30% |
Pass | 10 | 60 | 30 |
Merit | 20 | 120 | 60 |
Distinction | 30 | 180 | 90 |
The boundaries for overall pass, merit or distinction are shown below:
Pass | Merit | Distinction | |
Lower Boundary | 100 | 200 | 260 |
Upper Boundary | 199 | 259 | 300 |