
Why would you want to consider lean six sigma as an apprenticeship?

  • Fantastic career opportunities for lean six sigma trained staff across any company with higher than average salary bands.
  • Greater opportunity to develop within a company and climb the ladder of success
  • Help your company improve its processes and have recognition for that achievement
  • Improve your businesses efficiency and reduce errors which in turn help improve profitability
  • Achieve highly sort after skills and gain credibility with your peers and associates

As an apprentice working towards the new standard in improvements, whether it be right at the start of the journey from yellow belt through to master black belt, it is important to know that the End Point Assessment centre chosen for your qualification has the expertise and ability to get you over the line in this important career journey.

The UCE team have a vast wealth of experience to guide you through the lean six sigma requirements that are used throughout all the leading organisations in the UK. We can quickly appreciate company specific requirements and identify whether they meet the new standard, offering advice and guidance to you and your business sponsor where necessary.

Our team of trained assessors are objective and highly skilled in observing and assessing behaviours and their impacts across all areas of lean six sigma. The end point assessment activities covered by our assessment team are summarised as follows:-

Assessment MethodArea AssessedAssessed byGradingWeighting
Multiple Choice
End Point Assessment
Organisation (UCE Ltd)
Fail / Pass /
Merit / Distinction
Project, Presentation
& Questioning
Knowledge, Skills and
Behaviour elements
End Point Assessment
Organisation (UCE Ltd)
Fail / Pass /
Merit / Distinction
Professional discussion underpinned by log
Knowledge, Skills and Behaviour elementsEnd Point Assessment
Organisation (UCE Ltd)
Fail / Pass /
Merit / Distinction

What happens if you successfully pass?

The results of the End Point Assessment are graded as pass, merit or distinction. On successful completion you will be awarded with a certificate and the appropriate coloured belt with your name and company logo.

What happens if you don’t pass the assessments?  

In the unfortunate circumstances that you might fail any of the assessment criteria you will be given the opportunity to re-sit the elements required. Our professional team at UCE will provide the guidance needed to help you fully understand how to re-sit.

Copyright © 2018 United Centre of Excellence Limited. All rights reserved. Registered in England and Wales. Company No. 10781926