Levy Funding

Introduced back in April 2017

The Apprenticeship Levy affects all employers with paybills in excess of £3 million pounds. The levy is charged at 0.5% of an employer’s paybill. The government are also currently offsetting a further £15,000.00 against levy payments.

The apprenticeship levy applies to employers across the UK, however it is a devolved policy. This means that in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland they will manage their own apprenticeship programmes including how funding is spent.

The aim of the levy is to create more new apprenticeships in order to support productivity and growth. Choosing the right apprenticeship will create improved profitability for businesses.

The Apprenticeship Levy is not just there to pay for the young apprentices you may set on each year. It is a tax to fund all apprenticeships and your organisation will pay it whether you use it or not. Fortunately, apprenticeship frameworks are designed for all ages and are very flexible. Given the right assistance, your organisation can use its Levy pot to fund valuable programmes that benefit your workforce and your business such as the new Improvement Technician, Improvement Practitioner, Improvement Specialist and Improvement Leader.

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